space matters

space matters

I’m not sure if these words matter.
Lately, I'm not sure if I matter.

If all matter is 99 percent space
and all space has no matter
then how safe is any space?

I’m not sure if these words matter.
Lately, I'm not sure if anything matters.

If these words are letters put close together
but close is stretched out over infinity
then what is close and what are words
and why am I awake at 3 am moving my arms in space
pushing buttons to make more space
for things to matter?

Or am I moving my fingers in matter?
Are my fingers creating space?
Are my fingers creating space because there is no safe space
for things to matter?

I’m not sure what matters
or what matter is
but I know space is made by words
and I know the space in my head is full of letters closely separated by infinities.
So maybe these words do matter
and maybe space matters

and maybe I matter.

by Regan Boden


  1. This is hugely powerful stuff. You have a real gift for threading words together in a way that communicates so much more than what's written down- please keep channeling it.

  2. I love everything you write. Have you tried to submit your poems to any kind of publisher?


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